return updated cell (based on current epoch)
sig hash: 0x206848f6
Signature: getCell(uint256)
function getCell(uint256 id) view returns ((address owner, uint24 lastEpochUpdate, uint24 epochWhenTokenIsAdded, uint24 producingEpochs, uint8 color, uint8 life, int8 delta, uint8 enemyMap, uint8 distribution, uint8 stake))
Name | Description |
id | the cell id |
return the list of updated cells (based on current epoch) whose ids is given
sig hash: 0xf18885ce
Signature: getCells(uint256[])
function getCells(uint256[] ids) view returns ((address owner, uint24 lastEpochUpdate, uint24 epochWhenTokenIsAdded, uint24 producingEpochs, uint8 color, uint8 life, int8 delta, uint8 enemyMap, uint8 distribution, uint8 stake)[] cells)
Name | Description |
ids | the list of cell ids |
The commitment to be revealed. zeroed if no commitment need to be made.
sig hash: 0xfa1026dd
Signature: getCommitment(address)
function getCommitment(address account) view returns ((bytes24 hash, uint24 epoch) commitment)
Name | Description |
account | the address of which to retrieve the commitment |
return the config used to initialise the Game
sig hash: 0xc3f909d4
Signature: getConfig()
function getConfig() view returns ((address tokens, address burnAddress, uint256 startTime, uint256 commitPhaseDuration, uint256 revealPhaseDuration, uint8 maxLife, uint256 numTokensPerGems, address time, address generator) config)
the number of token in reserve per account This is used to slash player who do not reveal their moves The amount can be greater than the number of token required for the next move This allow player to potentially hide their intention.
sig hash: 0x990b0509
Signature: getTokensInReserve(address)
function getTokensInReserve(address account) view returns (uint256 amount)
Name | Description |
account | the address to retrived the amount in reserve of. |
called by players to add tokens to their reserve
sig hash: 0xd6710112
Signature: addToReserve(uint256,(uint256,uint256,uint8,bytes32,bytes32))
function addToReserve(uint256 tokensAmountToAdd, (uint256 value, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) permit)
Name | Description |
tokensAmountToAdd | amount of tokens to add |
permit | permit EIP2612, .value = zero if not needed |
called by players to cancel their current commitment Can only be called during the commit phase in which the commitment was made It cannot be called afterward
sig hash: 0xafa1e2d1
Signature: cancelCommitment()
function cancelCommitment()
called by players to commit their moves this can be called multiple time in the same epoch, the last call overriding the previous. When a commitment is made, it needs to be revealed in the reveal phase of the same epoch.abi If missed, player can still reveal its moves but none of them will be resolved. The player would lose its associated reserved amount.
sig hash: 0xae37a62d
Signature: makeCommitment(bytes24,address)
function makeCommitment(bytes24 commitmentHash, address payee) payable
Name | Description |
commitmentHash | the hash of the moves |
payee | address to send ETH to along the commitment. Can be used to pay for reveal |
called to make a commitment along with tokens to add to the reserve
sig hash: 0x10837a39
Signature: makeCommitmentWithExtraReserve(bytes24,uint256,(uint256,uint256,uint8,bytes32,bytes32),address)
function makeCommitmentWithExtraReserve(bytes24 commitmentHash, uint256 tokensAmountToAdd, (uint256 value, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) permit, address payee) payable
Name | Description |
commitmentHash | the has of the moves |
tokensAmountToAdd | amount of tokens to add to the reserve. the resulting total must be enough to cover the moves |
permit | permit EIP2612, value = zero if not needed |
payee | address to send ETH to along the commitment. Can be used to pay for reveal |
called by players to withdraw tokens from the reserve can only be called if no commitments are pending Note that while you can withdraw after commiting, note that if you do not have enough tokens you'll have your commitment failing.
sig hash: 0x0a8bcdb9
Signature: withdrawFromReserve(uint256)
function withdrawFromReserve(uint256 amount)
Name | Description |
amount | number of tokens to withdraw |
called by player if they missed the reveal phase and want to minimze the token loss. By providing the moves, they will be slashed only the amount of token required to make the moves
sig hash: 0x599a71c6
Signature: acknowledgeMissedReveal(address,bytes32,(uint64,uint8)[],bytes24)
function acknowledgeMissedReveal(address player, bytes32 secret, (uint64 position, uint8 color)[] moves, bytes24 furtherMoves)
Name | Description |
player | the account who committed the move |
secret | the secret used to make the commit |
moves | the actual moves |
furtherMoves | if moves cannot be contained in one tx, further moves are represented by a hash to reveal too |
should only be called as last resort this will burn all tokens in reserve If player has access to the secret, better call acknowledgeMissedReveal
sig hash: 0x1fdd8a69
Signature: acknowledgeMissedRevealByBurningAllReserve()
function acknowledgeMissedRevealByBurningAllReserve()
called by player to reveal their moves this is where the core logic of the game takes place This is where the game board evolves The game is designed so that reveal order does not matter
sig hash: 0xd4019783
Signature: reveal(address,bytes32,(uint64,uint8)[],bytes24,bool,address)
function reveal(address player, bytes32 secret, (uint64 position, uint8 color)[] moves, bytes24 furtherMoves, bool useReserve, address payee) payable
Name | Description |
player | the account who committed the move |
secret | the secret used to make the commit |
moves | the actual moves |
furtherMoves | if moves cannot be contained in one tx, further moves are represented by a hash to reveal too Note that you have to that have enough moves (specified by MAX_NUM_MOVES_PER_HASH = 32) |
useReserve | whether the tokens are taken from the reserve or from approvals. This allow player to keep their reserve intact and use it on their next move. Note that this require the Stratagems contract to have enough allowance. |
payee | address to send ETH to along the reveal |
poke and collect the tokens won across multiple cells
sig hash: 0x8b8fc3a1
Signature: pokeMultiple(uint64[])
function pokeMultiple(uint64[] positions)
Name | Description |
positions | cell positions to collect from |
Approve an operator to transfer a specific token on the senders behalf.
sig hash: 0x095ea7b3
Signature: approve(address,uint256)
function approve(address operator, uint256 tokenID)
Name | Description |
operator | The address receiving the approval. |
tokenID | The id of the token. |
balanceOf is not implemented, keeping track of this add gas and we did not consider that worth it
sig hash: 0x70a08231
Signature: balanceOf(address)
function balanceOf(address) pure returns (uint256)
Get the approved operator for a specific token.
sig hash: 0x081812fc
Signature: getApproved(uint256)
function getApproved(uint256 tokenID) view returns (address operator)
Name | Description |
tokenID | The id of the token. |
Check if the sender approved the operator to transfer any of its tokens.
sig hash: 0xe985e9c5
Signature: isApprovedForAll(address,address)
function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) view returns (bool)
Name | Description |
owner | The address of the owner. |
operator | The address of the operator. |
A descriptive name for a collection of NFTs in this contract
sig hash: 0x06fdde03
Signature: name()
function name() pure returns (string)
Get the list of owner of a token and the blockNumber of its last transfer, useful to voting mechanism.
sig hash: 0xf3945282
Signature: ownerAndLastTransferBlockNumberList(uint256[])
function ownerAndLastTransferBlockNumberList(uint256[] tokenIDs) view returns ((address owner, uint256 lastTransferBlockNumber)[] ownersData)
Name | Description |
tokenIDs | The list of token ids to check. |
Get the owner of a token and the blockNumber of the last transfer, useful to voting mechanism.
sig hash: 0x48f3c51c
Signature: ownerAndLastTransferBlockNumberOf(uint256)
function ownerAndLastTransferBlockNumberOf(uint256 tokenID) view returns (address owner, uint256 blockNumber)
Name | Description |
tokenID | The id of the token. |
Get the owner of a token.
sig hash: 0x6352211e
Signature: ownerOf(uint256)
function ownerOf(uint256 tokenID) view returns (address owner)
Name | Description |
tokenID | The id of the token. |
Transfer a token between 2 addresses letting the receiver know of the transfer.
sig hash: 0x42842e0e
Signature: safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256)
function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenID)
Name | Description |
from | The send of the token. |
to | The recipient of the token. |
tokenID | The id of the token. |
Transfer a token between 2 addresses letting the receiver knows of the transfer.
sig hash: 0x42842e0e
Signature: safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256,bytes)
function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenID)
Name | Description |
from | The sender of the token. |
to | The recipient of the token. |
tokenID | The id of the token. |
Set the approval for an operator to manage all the tokens of the sender.
sig hash: 0xa22cb465
Signature: setApprovalForAll(address,bool)
function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved)
Name | Description |
operator | The address receiving the approval. |
approved | The determination of the approval. |
Query if a contract implements an interface
sig hash: 0x01ffc9a7
Signature: supportsInterface(bytes4)
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) pure returns (bool)
Name | Description |
interfaceID | The interface identifier, as specified in ERC-165 |
An abbreviated name for NFTs in this contract
sig hash: 0x95d89b41
Signature: symbol()
function symbol() pure returns (string)
A distinct Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for a given asset.
sig hash: 0xc87b56dd
Signature: tokenURI(uint256)
function tokenURI(uint256 tokenID) view returns (string)
Name | Description |
tokenID | id of the token being queried. |
Transfer a token between 2 addresses.
sig hash: 0x23b872dd
Signature: transferFrom(address,address,uint256)
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenID)
Name | Description |
from | The sender of the token. |
to | The recipient of the token. |
tokenID | The id of the token. |
A player has cancelled its current commitment (before it reached the reveal phase)
event CommitmentCancelled(address indexed player, uint24 indexed epoch)
Name | Description |
player | account taking the staking risk (can be a different account than the one controlling the gems) |
epoch | epoch number on which this commit belongs to |
A player has commited to make a move and reveal it on the reveal phase
event CommitmentMade(address indexed player, uint24 indexed epoch, bytes24 commitmentHash)
Name | Description |
player | account taking the staking risk (can be a different account than the one controlling the gems) |
epoch | epoch number on which this commit belongs to |
commitmentHash | the hash of moves |
Player has revealed its previous commitment
event CommitmentRevealed(address indexed player, uint24 indexed epoch, bytes24 indexed commitmentHash, (uint64 position, uint8 color)[] moves, bytes24 furtherMoves, uint256 newReserveAmount)
Name | Description |
player | account who commited |
epoch | epoch number on which this commit belongs to |
commitmentHash | the hash of the moves |
moves | the moves |
furtherMoves | hash of further moves, unless bytes32(0) which indicate end. |
newReserveAmount | new amount in reserve as a result |
A player has canceled a previous commitment by burning some tokens
event CommitmentVoid(address indexed player, uint24 indexed epoch, uint256 amountBurnt, bytes24 furtherMoves)
Name | Description |
player | the account that made the commitment |
epoch | epoch number on which this commit belongs to |
amountBurnt | amount of token to burn |
furtherMoves | hash of further moves, unless bytes32(0) which indicate end. |
A move has been revealed.
event MoveProcessed(uint64 indexed position, address indexed player, uint8 oldColor, uint8 newColor)
Name | Description |
position | cell at which the move take place |
player | account making the move |
oldColor | previous color of the cell |
newColor | color that takes over |
poke multiple cells and update them if needed
event MultiPoke(uint24 indexed epoch, uint64[] positions)
Name | Description |
epoch | epoch number at which the poke take place |
positions | cells to poke |
Player has deposited token in the reserve, allowing it to use that much in game
event ReserveDeposited(address indexed player, uint256 amountDeposited, uint256 newAmount)
Name | Description |
player | account receiving the token in the reserve |
amountDeposited | the number of tokens deposited |
newAmount | the number of tokens in reserver as a result |
Player have withdrawn token from the reserve
event ReserveWithdrawn(address indexed player, uint256 amountWithdrawn, uint256 newAmount)
Name | Description |
player | account withdrawing the tokens |
amountWithdrawn | the number of tokens withdrawnn |
newAmount | the number of tokens in reserver as a result |
poke cell and update it if needed
event SinglePoke(uint24 indexed epoch, uint64 position)
Name | Description |
epoch | epoch number at which the poke take place |
position | cell to poke |
Triggered when a token is approved to be sent by another account Note tat the approval get reset when a Transfer event for that same token is emitted.
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenID)
Name | Description |
owner | current owner of the token |
approved | account who can know transfer on the owner's behalf |
tokenID | id of the token being approved |
Triggered when an account approve or disaprove another to transfer on its behalf
event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved)
Name | Description |
owner | the account granting rights over all of its token |
operator | account who can know transfer on the owner's behalf |
approved | whether it is approved or not |
Triggered when a token is transferred
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenID)
Name | Description |
from | the account the token is sent from |
to | the account the token is sent to |
tokenID | id of the token being sent |
Player have to reveal if they can Stratagems will prevent them from acknowledging missed reveal if there is still time to reveal.
error CanStillReveal()
Player have to reveal their commitment using the exact same move values If they provide different value, the commitment hash will differ and Stratagems will reject their reveal.
error CommitmentHashNotMatching()
Game has not started yet, can't perform any action
error GameNotStarted()
The cell configuration is invalid This can happen win debug mode where admin can setup cell bypassing moves rules For example when setting up neighborood configuration that would require a cell to have negative life
error ImpossibleConfiguration()
When in Commit phase, player can make new commitment but they cannot reveal their move yet.
error InCommitmentPhase()
When in Reveal phase, it is not possible to commit new moves or cancel previous commitment During Reveal phase, players have to reveal their commitment, if not already done.
error InRevealPhase()
Player can only reveal their move in the same epoch they commited.abi If a player reveal later it can only do to minimize the reserve burn cost by calling : acknowledgeMissedReveal
error InvalidEpoch()
Player can make arbitrary number of moves per epoch. To do so they group moves into (MAX_NUM_MOVES_PER_HASH = 32) moves This result in a recursive series of hash that they can then submit in turn while revealing. The limit (MAX_NUM_MOVES_PER_HASH = 32) ensure a reveal batch fits in a block.
error InvalidFurtherMoves()
Player can only reveal moves they commited.
error NothingToReveal()
Previous commitment need to be revealed before making a new one. Even if the corresponding reveal phase has passed.
It is also not possible to withdraw any amount from reserve until the commitment is revealed.
If player lost the information to reveal, it can acknowledge failure which will burn all its reserve.
error PreviousCommitmentNotRevealed()
to make a commitment you always need at least one config.numTokensPerGems
amount in reserve Player also need one config.numTokensPerGems
per moves during the Reveal phase.
error ReserveTooLow(uint256 inReserve, uint256 expected)
Name | Description |
inReserve | amount in reserver as the time of the call |
expected | amount required to proceed |
An invalid address is specified (for example: zero address)
error InvalidAddress(address addr)
Name | Description |
addr | invalid address |
The token does not exist
error NonExistentToken(uint256 tokenID)
Name | Description |
tokenID | id of the expected token |
The Nonce overflowed, make a transfer to self to allow new nonces.
error NonceOverflow()
Not authorized to perform this operation
error NotAuthorized()
function is not implemented
error NotImplemented()
The address from which the token is sent is not the current owner
error NotOwner(address provided, address currentOwner)
Name | Description |
provided | the address expected to be the current owner |
currentOwner | the current owner |
The Transfer was rejected by the destination
error TransferRejected()