Returns the amount which spender
is still allowed to withdraw from owner
sig hash: 0xdd62ed3e
Signature: allowance(address,address)
function allowance(address, address) pure returns (uint256)
Allows spender
to withdraw from your account multiple times, up to amount
sig hash: 0x095ea7b3
Signature: approve(address,uint256)
function approve(address, uint256) pure returns (bool)
Returns the account balance of another account with address owner
sig hash: 0x70a08231
Signature: balanceOf(address)
function balanceOf(address owner) view returns (uint256)
claim the rewards earned so far using a fixed rate per point
sig hash: 0x066112f9
Signature: claimFixedRewards(address)
function claimFixedRewards(address to)
Name | Description |
to | address to send the reward to |
claim the rewards earned so far in the shared pool
sig hash: 0xff1e03e9
Signature: claimSharedPoolRewards(address)
function claimSharedPoolRewards(address to)
Name | Description |
to | address to send the reward to |
Returns the number of decimals the token uses.
sig hash: 0x313ce567
Signature: decimals()
function decimals() pure returns (uint8)
The amount of reward an account has accrued so far. Does not include already withdrawn rewards.
sig hash: 0xa8671f6a
Signature: earnedFromFixedRate(address)
function earnedFromFixedRate(address account) view returns (uint256)
Name | Description |
account | address to query about |
The amount of reward an account has accrued so far. Does not include already withdrawn rewards.
sig hash: 0x7997f96d
Signature: earnedFromFixedRateMultipleAccounts(address[])
function earnedFromFixedRateMultipleAccounts(address[] accounts) view returns (uint256[] result)
Name | Description |
accounts | list of address to query about |
The amount of reward an account has accrued so far. Does not include already withdrawn rewards.
sig hash: 0xb061963c
Signature: earnedFromPoolRate(address)
function earnedFromPoolRate(address account) view returns (uint256)
Name | Description |
account | address to query about |
The amount of reward an account has accrued so far. Does not include already withdrawn rewards.
sig hash: 0x59d431b3
Signature: earnedFromPoolRateMultipleAccounts(address[])
function earnedFromPoolRateMultipleAccounts(address[] accounts) view returns (uint256[] result)
Name | Description |
accounts | list of address to query about |
Allow a contract (a game) to add points to the rewards system
sig hash: 0x16cf09f8
Signature: enableGame(address,uint256)
function enableGame(address game, uint256 weight)
Name | Description |
game | the contract that is allowed to call in |
weight | (not implemented, act as boolean for now) (0 disable the game) |
return the weight of the game
sig hash: 0x79131a19
Signature: games(address)
function games(address game) view returns (uint256 weight)
Name | Description |
game | the contract to query about |
The amount of reward each point has earned so far
sig hash: 0x48483382
Signature: getTotalRewardPerPointWithPrecision24()
function getTotalRewardPerPointWithPrecision24() view returns (uint256)
return the current global state
sig hash: 0xa05f9906
Signature: global()
function global() view returns ((uint40 lastUpdateTime, uint104 totalRewardPerPointAtLastUpdate, uint112 totalPoints))
Returns the name of the token.
sig hash: 0x06fdde03
Signature: name()
function name() pure returns (string)
Returns the symbol of the token.
sig hash: 0x95d89b41
Signature: symbol()
function symbol() pure returns (string)
Returns the total token supply.
sig hash: 0x18160ddd
Signature: totalSupply()
function totalSupply() view returns (uint256)
Transfers amount
of tokens to address to
sig hash: 0xa9059cbb
Signature: transfer(address,uint256)
function transfer(address, uint256) pure returns (bool)
Transfers amount
tokens from address from
to address to
sig hash: 0x23b872dd
Signature: transferFrom(address,address,uint256)
function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) pure returns (bool)
update the global pool rate
sig hash: 0xa2e62045
Signature: update()
function update()
trigger on approval amount being set. Note that Transfer events need to be considered to compute the current allowance.
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value)
Name | Description |
owner | the account approving the spender |
spender | the account allowed to spend |
value | the amount granted |
trigger when tokens are transferred, including zero value transfers.
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)
Name | Description |
from | the account the tokens are sent from |
to | the account the tokens are sent to |
value | number of tokens sent |
Token cannot be transfered
error NonTransferable()
Not authorized to perform this operation
error NotAuthorized()